Una nueva Pelicula de «La Guerra de las Galaxias»
Episode II, The Gathering Storm

Estaba yo buscando cosas por el BT y de repente me encuentro este DVD, que parece ser es un FAN EDIT de la Segunda parte de esta saga, tan popular para todos. Es un DVD-R completo, no Divx, es decir que lo podeis usar en vuestros DVD de casa.

Parece ser que han cogido las escenas borradas de la peliculas Y SOLO PUBLICADAS EN LOS DVD AMERICANOS, y han remontado la pelicula dandole un toque mas romantico y quitando el «nintendo» que tenia esta parte (es que eran todo batallitas por computador). No es un fake, ni dibujos animados, ni flash, es la pelicula real REMONTADA.

Esta version esta en Ingles, pero bueno, no creo que sea mucho problema coger los subs que corren por ahi y montarlos encima y poner lo que falta… pero bueno, el menda no tiene tiempo y como el menda entiende bastante bien el ingles, pues ya sabeis los que sus toca si lo que quereis en Espa?

De todas maneras vale la pena… y como siempre el Link esta en LEER MAS >>>



Y aqui mas abajo la explicacion…

Que sus aproveche,

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We would like to state that this particular NOT FOR PROFIT fan created film
editing project is intended ONLY for those very unfortunate fans that do not
have access or the necessary skills to achieve a "Fan Edit" and should be only
be used for private home viewing, research or educational purposes; please do
not support piracy, you must own/purchase an official DVD to protect your
license. This DVD should be freely distributed via trade or download among
legitimate owners of the official DVD and never sold for profit.

Word to the Spookies...



Some folks seem to think that my NFO's are a bit vague, so here is the lowdown
on this DVD. It's a fan edit of Star Wars Episode Two.


Episode II: The Gathering Storm

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have
declared their intentions to leave the Republic. This separatist movement, under
the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it difficult for the
limited number of Jedi Knights to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.
Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is returning to the Galactic Senate
to vote on the critical issue of creating an ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC to assist the
overwhelmed Jedi...

This fan edit of George Lucas's second Star Wars prequel offers a streamlined
take on the courtship of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, along with Anakin's
first steps towards the dark side. Notable changes include an overhaul of the
central love story, the re-introduction of deleted scenes featuring Padme's
family, restructuring to increase momentum in the film's middle third, the
excision of 'death sticks' and C-3PO's antics in the droid factory, and as
always... less talking.

No scene has been left untouched.

Special thanks to the crew at originaltrilogy.com, Rikter, and especially my
friends for their interest in the project.

And to my dad for instilling in me a frighteningly single-minded love for Star

- Slumberland


Episode II: The Gathering Storm


Type................: DVD Movie
Platform............: VIDEO_TS and DVD-Rom folders
Burn Tested.........: Yes
Video Format........: DVD/VOB/MPEG2/720x480/16x9/NTSC
Audio Format........: Dolby Digital 2.0 (192 Kbps)
Size................: 4.32 GB


Type................: Fan Produced Film Edit
Genre...............: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Disc Creator........: Slumberland from originaltrilogy.com


Posted by............: Blaksvn Torrentz
Date Posted..........: 10-30-06
Tracker/Sites........: Demonoid.com and/or ThePirateBay.org

In this torrent you'll find

1 - VIDEO_TS & DVD-rom folders all set to burn!
3 - Custom DVD Cover by RiK!


- For best results enjoy with an ice cold beverage and a tasty treat
- Spark it if you have it!
- Pay it Forward
- Word to the Spookies...


1. If this title is uploaded to another tracker PLEASE retain all files.
2. Please DO NOT alter the NFO, DVD-Rom or layout
3. I do not reseed; it's up to the community to keep it seeded.

I'm asking for your Promise to SEED as long as possible and to also copy this
disc as any times as you can and then give or trade copies to EVERY fan you
know! This will help prevent the Darkside Dealers (eBay/comic shop sellers) from
selling copies for $50!

PLEASE - DO NOT sell this for profit.

If you bought this DVD from eBay or iOffer you've been duped, suckered and
hoodwinked. This DVD was intended to be distributed within the DVD trading
community for FREE or just the cost of a blank DVD and shipping. I do not want
anyone to feel that I'm attempting to exploit these wonderful works. I just want
to share these with other fans and at the same time keep the Trading Universe
Alive and free of hooligans!

Smackin' down the forces of the Darkside.


All titles that we share are either known to be Fan created Preservation
efforts, Fan created Edits, OUT-OF-PRINT titles or titles that are not YET
available on any "Official" currently produced DVD, Laserdisc or VHS release. We
will not offer any titles that are copies of available "Official" DVD's via
torrent or trade. SO PLEASE purchase or acquire via trade any OFFICIAL copies of
these titles when possible (i.e. Laserdisc, VHS, CED or DVD)

Information in any torrent posted by Blaksvn-Torrentz that is NOT 100% accurate
will be corrected. I will update that information with what I believe is the
correct information when it is passed on to me. I will ALWAYS give the proper
credit WHEN I have this information. If I need to "attach" credit to an existing
set please contact me directly via email again PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me
and include any proper NFO, TXT or Word DOC that you may have so that I can
include this information with any future Torrent releases.

SO, if I post a torrent and I have NO information about said torrent - I will
post what information I have via an NFO; if the release does not already have a
known title or name, I will again place a temporary name on the set until a
correct name can be established. - I will no longer use any information gathered
from any forums or newsgroups as this information will be considered strictly
hearsay (unless the information is posted by the KNOWN source then it can be
called canon). Again I will ALWAYS try to give the proper credit but this is
only possible when I have this information.

ALL Personal information (i.e. emails, names, dates and places) will ALWAYS
remain CONFIDENTIAL and undisclosed. Rest assured I keep no records of any
contact information.

*** MAD PROPS ***

Thanks to those that made this shared DVD/Torrent possible!

My Wife and Spookies and Los Hermonos Blaksvn, Crappy Logo Productions,
FanFiltration, Slumberland, MeBeJedi, ADigitalMan, MagnoliaFan, BitTorrent
Technology and a special extra thanks to all the members at both the
OriginalTrilogy.com & Fanedited.com!!

SPECIAL THANKS to the Blaksvn Seeder Team - Bwlag, Devilman1369 & Taolar

Word to the Spookies...
- Rikter Blaksvn

eNd BlaKsvN Tranzmizsionzz