Aunque todos nos lo imaginabamos que las idioteces que estaban haciendo la Sinde y el ZP eran siguiendo ordenes de los USA, lo que no nos imaginabamos que una cosa son ORDENES -que se pueden llevar de una manera mas o menos- y otra cosa seguir un guion, que es lo que estan haciendo.
Solo tenemos que mirar el famoso informe 301 de los USA sobre la «pirateria» en el mundo, y vemos que lo que estan haciendo la Sinde y el Gobierno es lo que publicaron los USA hace meses… pero clavado.
Tanto el informe 301 como el link al informe concreto sobre la situacion en Espa?estan en LEER MAS >>> y tambien estan las situaciones en otros paises. Ahora nos interesaria saber de los visitantes de este sitio que viven en otros paises distintos a Eh!pa? USA, si esta pasando a nivel legal las «recomendaciones» del informe o lo estan haciendo de manera diferente. Ante todo sera algo muy curioso de ver y comparar, no?
Esto es lo que dicen en el informe 301 sobre Eh!pa?br />
Spain will remain on the Watch List in 2010. The United States remains concerned about particularly significant Internet piracy in Spain, and strongly urges prompt and effective action to address the issue. The Spanish government has not amended portions of a 2006 Prosecutor General Circular that appears to decriminalize illegal peer-to-peer file sharing of infringing materials, contributing to a public misperception in Spain that such activity is lawful. Spains existing legal and regulatory framework has not led to cooperation between Internet service providers (ISPs) and rights holders to reduce online piracy. On the contrary, rights holders in Spain report an inability to obtain information necessary to prosecute online IPR infringers, further reducing their ability to seek appropriate remedies. Spains legal system also generally does not result in criminal penalties for intellectual property infringement. The United States is encouraged by some recent positive developments in Spain, including the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Commission with a mandate to propose changes in Spanish law and policy that will strengthen efforts to reduce Internet piracy. In January 2010, the Commission proposed legislation that would allow a committee based in the Ministry of Culture to request that an ISP block access to infringing materials hosted online. The United States urges Spain to continue taking positive steps to address Internet piracy, and will closely monitor progress in the next year.
Y aqui esta el informe 301 completo para las comparativas.
Si no lo entendeis usar la barra de mas abajo para traducir del Ingles al Espa?