Wine 1.1.33

El emulador de winbugs tiene una nueva version en LEER MAS>>>

Cambios m?importantes:

  • Gecko now installed at wineprefix creation time.
  • Better support for certificates in crypt32.
  • Improved sound support in mciwave.
  • Some more Direct3D 10 functions.
  • Many cleanups for issues spotted by Valgrind.
  • Various bug fixes.

Para instalarlo en ubuntu karmic, yo he agregado ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa en mis repositorios y luego lo tipico:

sudo aptitude update

sudo aptitude install wine


Ubuntu linux Ubuntu binary and source .debs for Ubuntu Karmic (9.10), Jaunty (9.04), Intrepid (8.10), and Hardy (8.04) Scott Ritchie
Debian Linux Debian binary .debs for Debian Lenny, Squeeze and Sid Maurilio Genovese
Ben Klein
RedHat Linux Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora binary and source .rpms for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5; CentOS 4, 5; Fedora Core 5, 6; Fedora Linux 7 and compatible distributions. The wine meta package is available via yum through the EPEL / Fedora Extras / Fedora repository by running $ yum install wine » Andreas Bierfert
SUSE Linux SUSE release binary and source .rpms and daily snapshot RPMs for openSUSE 10.3, 11.0, 11.1 and SLES 9 and SLE 10.
Old package versions available on SourceForge
Marcus Meissner
Mandriva Linux Mandriva binary .rpms for Mandriva Linux 2006, 2007, and 2008. Download the 2008.1 package if your Mandriva is a 2008.1 release, eg. 2008 Spring. Download the 2008.0 package if your Mandriva is the first 2008 release. Marco Meijer
Slackware linux Slackware binary .tgz for Slackware 10.2 Adam Schreiber
FreeBSD FreeBSD source for FreeBSD 5.3 or later Gerald Pfeifer
FreeBSD PC-BSD binary packages .pbi for PC-BSD (FreeBSD based OS) Kris Moore
Solaris 10 Solaris 10, SXCE ASwine, ASwine-SXCE binary package .pkg for Solaris 10 and SXCE x86 Apostolos Syropoulos
OpenSolaris OpenSolaris binary package .pkg for OpenSolaris x86 Apostolos Syropoulos

Wine Source Downloads

Location Description Our official source release site. For the latest development version. Alternative download site for the official source and documentation tarballs.


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